Have you had to replace your well in the past 6 month?

Dear Members of 7 Harbors,

Our friends from the Wine Basket have discovered a possible concern that might affect more of you, if you had to replace your well within the past 6 months because it has gone bad.

Backround: The DEQ (Department of Environmental Quality) installed the big pump unit across the street from the Wine Basket. And ever since then there has been nothing but problems after problems. The unit is supposed to blow ear underground so the underground contamination will rise above ground evaporates in the air. To do that, it means Vibration from the strong air being pumped into the underground, is disturbing the Wells in the area by breaking up the ground and loose sand will enter the well and severely. damaging the well and in some cases replacing them.

MR. Dean, who lives next the pump house, where they installed the unit two years ago, had his well replaced and had the State paid for it by proving that the air pump is what caused his well to go bad.

Nick offered to collect any information from you and to find out how many homes in the neighborhood who had there well replaced in the last year, so he can have the STATE.
open an Investigation to this problem.

I you had any issues with your well and as a result you had to replace it in the past 6 months, please contact Nick Haddad niko228@yahoo.com at the Wine Basket.

Thank you, Nick and our friends, from the Wine Basket for bringing this to our attention. There are no guarantees or commitments to anyone of us based on this information. By providing your details and information, it will allow to potentially start and official investigation to get to the bottom of the problem. Any legal or other efforts, you might decide to take are your own responsibility.