Category Archives: Community Help

2024 is here and there is lots to know!!

Greetings neighbors!

We hope 2024 finds you well.  Your Seven Harbors Board has a few announcements and reminders to share with you:

1. We will have a General Membership meeting at 7pm on Monday, February 26, 2024 at the VFW. Please note the new rules state we must not enter through the bar door entrance (unless you are an active VFW member).  The side entrance to the meeting room will be unlocked. Please join us to kick off the 2024 neighborhood projects!

2. Be on the lookout for your 2024 Maintenance Fees slips in your mailbox/email (however you have elected to receive).  Reminder, our maintenance fees cover many things to keep our property values up and our neighborhood the welcoming and desirable community that it is.  Your annual fees cover snow removal, road repair, seawall repair, boat launches, groundskeeping for our community spaces, and much more. 

Note: if you are assigned a 7H slip on White Lake, you will see the additional $18 SAD from the White Lake Improvement Board on your fees. If you have any questions about this please reach out to us at

Additionally, if you are an assigned slip holder or are on the waitlist remember your fees are due March 1. There is a slip information form required which is on our website.

3. Are you skilled with website content and/or social media? We are in need of a new communications chairperson!  We need a volunteer to maintain our website, and help with communications.  If you are interested or knows someone who is, please contact us!

4. Do you love our Fourth of July parade and picnic? What about Easter egg hunts, golf outings, etc? We are seeking volunteers to lead events in the neighborhood. The board has plenty of supporting information to help you – but without someone to lead each event, they will not succeed this year in 2024. If you are willing to be a chair or co-chair for one of our events reach out to us.  Help 7 harbors continue to be the fun community you know and love!

5. This winter – please remember the salt/sand barrels are self-serve. If you see a slippery spot, please toss a few scoops out for the next person. If you live or walk near one of our barrels, please check it occasionally and if it’s empty – contact us at -we will have our contractor fill it.

As always, please reach out with any ideas, questions, or concerns. We hope to see you at the next meeting Monday, Feb 26.

Thank you!

7 Harbors Fall Clean Up November 5th, 10am Winebasket Parking Lot

Neighbors! Grab your rakes and other yard tools and join us for the 7 harbors community wide fall cleanup!

Sunday November 5 at 10 am! We will meet at the Beaumont entrance and head to a few additional areas- Duck lake beach, Central park and others as needed. We will be cleaning out any trash, removing brush, etc.  We will have some yard bags but feel free to bring your own.  See you there!

Have you had to replace your well in the past 6 month?

Dear Members of 7 Harbors,

Our friends from the Wine Basket have discovered a possible concern that might affect more of you, if you had to replace your well within the past 6 months because it has gone bad.

Backround: The DEQ (Department of Environmental Quality) installed the big pump unit across the street from the Wine Basket. And ever since then there has been nothing but problems after problems. The unit is supposed to blow ear underground so the underground contamination will rise above ground evaporates in the air. To do that, it means Vibration from the strong air being pumped into the underground, is disturbing the Wells in the area by breaking up the ground and loose sand will enter the well and severely. damaging the well and in some cases replacing them.

MR. Dean, who lives next the pump house, where they installed the unit two years ago, had his well replaced and had the State paid for it by proving that the air pump is what caused his well to go bad.

Nick offered to collect any information from you and to find out how many homes in the neighborhood who had there well replaced in the last year, so he can have the STATE.
open an Investigation to this problem.

I you had any issues with your well and as a result you had to replace it in the past 6 months, please contact Nick Haddad at the Wine Basket.

Thank you, Nick and our friends, from the Wine Basket for bringing this to our attention. There are no guarantees or commitments to anyone of us based on this information. By providing your details and information, it will allow to potentially start and official investigation to get to the bottom of the problem. Any legal or other efforts, you might decide to take are your own responsibility.

2022 – 7 Harbors Community Fall Clean Up

Dear community, members and friends,

Fall is here and our community is coming together again to get ready for the winter season. Please help us to clean up our community, our outlots on White and Duck Lake, the entrance areas and join as at 8.45am at south beach. Bring your gardening tools, gloves, garbage bags and come and help us. As more volunteers we have as quicker it will go together. See you all on Saturday, November 12th, 08.45am at South Beach.

Also, now that we are in the midst of the fall season, it is very important that we do our best to pick up the fallen leaves. The leaves that get into the road are then driven over, and soon become like mud, which then makes its way to the drains.

The board has received numerous complaints about the poorly operating drains, and we are working to rectify that. But we all can help by not blowing the leaves into the road, and also picking up the leaves that fall in the road in front of our houses.

We know some feel that if they have no trees, why should they be dealing with leaves from their neighbor’s trees. But that is what good neighbors do.

Think about it, those neighbor’s trees provide some much needed shade during the heat of the summer. So please, let’s do our best to keep the roads, and drains, clear of the leaves.

Thank you for helping all of us to keep our community clean and nice.

Your Board of our great community Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lake Association

Wood4TheHood 2022

Hello friends, neighbors and members,

Spring is coming soon, and the early bird catches the worm. What also comes soon is Bon Fire season and to start getting our yards and flower beds back in shape and make everything look nice for the warm season in our community.

Similar to last year, we want to ask our members if you are in need for Cut and Delivered Bon Firewood or Mulch for your yard? We are planning to find a vendor that will give us a discount if we order for more than one household and come as a 7-Harbor Group instead of everyone on their own.

Since we all are pretty busy and spring has not arrived yet and up to today the response was very little, I wanted to take the opportunity to send out a quick reminder to all of our members. If you are interested, please send me an email with your request, so we can reach out to vendors and see what the best price could be for us. I would ask everyone to reply to me via email by April 8th at the latest to enable us to negotiate the best price possible for us.

Thank you to the few that have send me their emails already and you are listed and will be contacted soon.

Once again this is not a commitment. Once we have a price, we will send out an email to everyone registered to confirm your interest before ordering anything.

If you are interested in potentially saving some money, please send an email to and let me know how many Face Cord of firewood you are interested in or how many Cubic Yard. Once we have a list of everyone, we will send out a separate email to everyone that is interested with the details and pricing for you to make a decision if this is of interest for you.

Please include your mailing address and cell phone number in your email to ensure we can contact you.

Wood4TheHood 2022

Your Board of our great community Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lake Association

*Any cost savings go 100% to you and the HOA is not involved in any profit or financial benefit. This is purely a service and initiative for our members only.

Spring is coming!!

Hello friends, neighbors and members,

Spring is coming soon, and the early bird catches the worm. What also comes soon is Bon Fire season and to start getting our yards and flower beds back in shape and make everything look nice for the warm season in our community.

Similar to last year, we want to ask our members if you are in need for Cut and Delivered Bon Firewood or Mulch for your yard? We are planning to find a vendor that will give us a discount if we order for more than one household and come as a 7-Harbor Group instead of everyone on their own.

If you are interested in potentially saving some money, please send an email to and let me know how many Face Cord of firewood you are interested in or how many Cubic Yard. Once we have a list of everyone, we will send out a separate email to everyone that is interested with the details and pricing for you to make a decision if this is of interest for you.

Thank you to our Volunteers to keep our neighborhood clean.

This year’s fall clean-up was a great time to get together as a community to get our neighborhood ready for the winter season. We have collected over 30 bags of trash and leaves from our all our Duck & White Lake outlots and properties.

Thank you to this year’s 2021 Fall Clean-Up volunteers: Nancy Silvio, Nick Kutsoginis, Jeff LaPlante, Kim and Eric Russell and their girls, Marij and Jim Findley, Mona Paffmann, Sharon Crary, Winni Schoeb.

Have a look in our picture gallery

2021 Fall Clean up for our community, November 20th 9-11am

Dear all, we are starting our Fall clean-up efforts for our neighborhood. Let’s get together and help us to get our beautiful neighborhood cleaned up and ready for the winter season.

We will all meet on Saturday, 9am on November 20th at Central Park. If you would like to join us in our efforts, please bring your gardening tools, weedwackers, trimmers, cutters, paper and trash bags, gloves etc. Don’t forget some warm drinks and jackets.

Register here

We will split up in teams and every group will take one outlot and our common community areas on White and Duck lake to clean up and pick up any trash that’s laying around.

If we all work together this will be done in 2 hours tops and finish the job by 11am.

Lets do this.

Hope to see many of you and thank you for your support.

For questions or to sign up as a volunteer, please contact Nick Kutsoginis via email:

Your Board Members