
Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White & Duck Lake Association owns over 25 properties called out-lots, beaches, boat launches and walkways.  These properties are for social and recreational use only by fully paid members of our association.  If a member would like to use one of the properties for a special project, a request must be made and the agreement must be submitted to the Board of Trustees for its approval.  Please see Out-lot & Usage  for more information regarding the out-lots.

​This is YOUR community.  Please take time to give of yourself, whether it is volunteering at upcoming social events, picking up debris from our roads, beaches and lake or running to the store for a disabled or retired neighbor. Help preserve our neighborhood and our lakes for your children and grandchildren.

Our Address:

Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White & Duck Lake Association

P.O. Box 70
Highland, MI 48356