Category Archives: Announcements

Happy Holidays

The entire board would like to wish you a Happy Holiday, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2023. Thank you to all of you for a great 2022 and all your support you have given to your community.

Winter is here!! Please be careful and Slow Down!!!

Hello community,

I hope everyone is safe with these weather conditions.

I just asked Sean, who is always helping us and working with our community with snow plowing during the winter, to take special care of the roads and he is putting salt on our roads as we speak.

He also will keep an eye open this weekend since the snow days are not over yet.

The salt barrels are up at all intersections and please if you see an icy spots, please take the shovel and put some sand on those spots especially at the intersection and the front entrance area when you go on Duck Lake road.

Please drive slow and be careful at all times!! I already saw people driving too fast and missing their turns and underestimating the time it takes to stop their cars. Please Slow Down!!!!

Stay safe and warm!!


Free Wood – You want it? you got it!!

To anyone that wants to have some free wood and would like to support our community to keep things clean and nice. We have some bigger wood logs in our neighborhood and if you know anyone that is looking for some free wood to burin for a bon fire please message us.

You will have to cut the wood before taking it away due to the size of the logs. The wood is located on West Clarice Ave in Highland TWP in the 7 Harbors Duck and White Lake Community. Message me, if you are interested.

Your Vote Matters – Official Voting Results are in!!

Thank you to everyone for your participation and vote for the 2022/2023 – Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lake Association Board and Trustees for a 12-month term and the New Governing Documents for our community.

Our biggest appreciation goes out to our volunteers of the Election Commitee led by Amie Mirabitur, Karrie Sullivan, Jan Anger, Christine Murray, Alex and Tori Slack. Their help has ensured that we have an independent and fair election also in this year.

In the 2022/2023 Election we have received 66 valid ballots in total that resulted in the following election and voting results:

2022/23 Election Results (Effective October 1st, 2022, 12.00am)

Executive Board:
President – Winni Schoeb
Vice President – Aleta Dyling
2nd Vice President – Scott Thurlow
Treasurer – Sharon Crary
Secretary – Nancy Drury

Vicki Zellinger, Jeff Bosch
Jodi Michela, Joan Cooper
Nichole Slating, Steve Kirchner
Justin Klopf, Mike Kuzmich

There was one write-in vote, but that person declined the Trustee position. If another volunteer candidate decides to step forward, the Board will vote on the appointment of the currently open position for the Trustee (Alternate) position and will appoint this person based on a majority vote of the board and trustees.

Congratulations to all newly elected board members effective October 1st, 2022, 12.00am and Thank You to all 2021/22 Board Members for all the hard work during this past year. It was and will be my great privilege to collaborate with every one of you to serve our community.

New Governing Documents Proposal Voting Results (Effective October 1st, 2022, 12.00am)

All passed proposals will be included in the respective governing documents and will be published by October 1st, 2022.

All election and voting results are certified by the Election & Voting Commitee. The official and final results are concluded as per the majority vote principle stated in our constitution.

2022/23 Board Nominees and New Governing Documents proposals are here for you to read!

Thank you to all of the members that showed up at our 2022 August General Members Meeting at the VFW. We had around 50+ people in person in a suddenly very small room participating in our Board Member Nominations. We also appreciate the open dialogue about the proposed Governing Documents (Constitution, Articles and Bylaws) changes presented by the board, led by Rae Joerin in collaboration with a great volunteer and member of our HOA Karrie Pautsch.

Please find below the results of this meeting, which will help you to vote on for our community important topics.  As in previous years, the Chair of our 22/23 Independent Voting Committee will be our well respected and trusted member Amie Mirabitur supported by a great group volunteer.

2022/2023 Board Nominees

The following members were nominated during the General Members Meeting on August 22nd, 2022 for the 2022/2023 board.

President: Winfried Schoeb
Vice President: Aleta Dyling
2nd Vice President: Scott Thurlow
Treasurer: Sharon Crary
Secretary: Nancy Drury
Trustees: Joan Cooper, Jeff Bosh, Steven Kirchner, Justin Klopf, Mike Kuzmich, Jodi Michela, Nicole Slating, Vicki Zellinger

Please join us to congratulate all nominees and help us to confirm their nominations by voting on our General Members Meeting as stated in our constitution on September 26th, 2022 at the VFW either in person or through proxy vote.

(Click here to review the voting rules and download a proxy form).

Our Governing Document Proposals (Constitution, Articles and Bylaws)

As presented during our August General Members meeting on August 22nd, 2022, please find below the detailed proposal for the Governing Documents Changes. You will see the governing document reference (Constitution, Articles or Bylaws) the text that is to be removed or changed marked as “Strike-Through” and the new proposed verbiage marked in Bold and Yellow for easier comparison and readability.

Click here if you would like to open the Bylaw Proposals in a new window.

Please click here to see our current & existing Constitution and Bylaws for your reference.

At this time, we do not accept any additional comments or changes to protect the integrity of the proposed changes as presented and discussed during the meeting. The validity of each change will be decided through the majority vote of our membership.

For any new ideas and request to change, update and improve our Constitution, Articles, Bylaws or Rules, please submit these in writing to or any other board member at any time. These new inputs will be collected and discussed with the entire board and will presented to the membership for voting during the next Election in 2023 or in a special membership meeting, if required.

2022 Bridge Report

2022 Bridge Report for Beaumont Road 7 Harbors Main Bridge and our Blue Walking Bridge at South Beach.

Thank you everyone to allow the board to review and understand our 2022 Bridge Report for our Main Bridge and the Blue Walking Bridge we received end of June this year. As we all know we must do a bridge inspections every 3 years and we would like to share this new report with all our members including the short, mid and long term plans we have discussed with the board to ensure we have a plan on how to move forward. 

As of 2022 both of our bridges are now insured and protected against any accidental or natural disaster damage which give us additional security in case something should happen to both bridges in these kind of events.

Overall, the report for both bridges came back with no major structural findings or problems that require immediate attention, which is unchanged from the previous 2019 report. The majority of findings are cosmetic in nature and the current safety of both bridges is adequate and not to be concerned off. However, for our main bridge on Beaumont Drive has been evaluated, and within 10 years, it is recommended that reconstruction or replacement will be required. 

The entire board under the leadership of Steven Kirchner and Jim Findley, who has been supporting us as a volunteer for many years, have discussed the current situation and we are planning the following actions to be taken within the next 36 months. 

Short Term (3 to 6 months

  • Resurfacing Beaumont Drive 50 feet before and after the bridge
  • Engaging External Company for minor repairs on beams, rust removal and concrete patching
  • Remove old paint from the bridge and fill any minor cosmetic cracks and areas (volunteering)
  • Repaint the entire bridge (volunteering)
  • Initiate minor repairs and patching for Blue Walking bridge.
  • Epoxy inject minor crack on NE pillar, replace individual boards as needed and fix the fencing.

Mid Term (6 to 12 months)

  • Engage professional company with architects and engineers to evaluate what needs to be done to reconstruct or replace the entire bridge.
  • Keep up minor maintenance and repairs as needed.

Long Term (12 to 36 Months)

  • Start SAD process to ensure funding for the bridge reconstruction or replacement can be provided and the project can be realized. 
  • Keep up minor maintenance and repairs as needed.

Any plans and progress will be presented to the membership regularly.

For the transparency for all our members, you can access and read the complete 2022 bridge report below. Please direct any questions or your interest in contributing to this for our community priority project to Steven Kirchner, Justin Klopf and Jim Findley

You can access the 2022 detailed bridge report in our members area for further reference.

2022/23 Board & Trustees Election is coming up soon

Want to become a board member or trustee for our amazing Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lake Association for the next 12 months (Oct to Sept)?

Come and join us at out General Members Meeting on August 22nd to get nominated to become part of an important role in our community.

Every member* can be nominated as a board member and trustee.

  • Are you interested to become a part of the team that helps our community to make thing better?
  • Are you willing to take on this responsibility as a volunteer and contribute your time to our projects and efforts throughout the entire year?
    Are you interested to represent 7 Harbors within our community and in other associations and forums?
  • Do you have fun helping others and do good for the hood?
  • Do you want to be part of something bigger with our community as the purpose?

The following roles and responsibilities are being nominated for the 2022/23 season.

1 President1 Vice President1 Second Vice President
1 Treasurer1 Secretary8 Trustees
1 Trustee (Alternate)

If this is for you and you would like to become a board member and trustee, be at the August General Member meeting and get nominated**.

The official election of the Board and Trustees will be on September 26th, 2022, at the Highland VFW.

*Eligible members have to be current with their membership dues at the day of nomination. **You can only be nominated for one position.

Registration is open 2022 – 7 Harbors – Annual Golf Outing

2022 7 Harbors & Wine Basket Golf Outing is on September 10th, 2022. 

Registration is Open – 2022 – 7 Harbors & Wine Basket Golf Outing

Come and join us to have a good time, great steak dinner with awesome people and a fun day. Come to the Wine Basket and register today.

Print out the registration form and pay by check to 7 Harbors White and Duck Lake Association at the Wine Basket.

Wine Basket Market
3542 N. Duck Lake Road.
Highland, MI 48356
(N. of Highland Road.)
Map and Directions Click Here
Store Hours: Mon – Thurs: 9am-10pm, Fri – Sat: 9am-11pm, Sunday: 10am-9pm

You can register here by downloading the form and print it out. Once you are ready, please drop of your registration at the Wine Basket.

Please reach out to Nick at the Winebasket or Jodi Michela, Nichole Slating for your registration or questions. Send us an email to