Category Archives: Announcements

2023/24 Membership Dues Date is coming up on June 1st, 2023

As every year, the Dues Date for the upcoming year is coming up on June 1st, 2023. Please send your check with your dues for the 2023/24 season to:

For check payments, please send your check to:

Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lake Association
Attn: Treasurer
P.O. Box 70  
Highland, MI   48357

Please login/register in our Member Area for other electronic payment options of our annual association dues.

Your payment and contribution of the membership dues will enable us to maintain our roads and bridges, keep our HOA operational and to ensure our community outlots and properties are safe and in good order for all of our members of Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White & Duck Lake Association.

Thank you to all members that have paid their dues for the 2023/24 season already.

For questions or help regarding outstanding dues please contact any board member to discuss how we can work together.

Official Voting Results Southbeach – Special Members Meeting May 1st, 2023

Dear respected members of our Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lake Association 

The results of the vote yesterday were 80 votes “Yes” to have 4 boats and 2 docks at south beach and 47 Votes to have “no” boats at south beach.

As a consequence, the membership decided in favor of the 4 boats and 2 docks by a majority vote. All qualified and valid ballots have been counted 3 times by our independent observers (Karrie Pautsch and Tori Slack), Jeff Bosch, Jodi Michela and Winni Schoeb in final instance. The results have been certified by all members of the committee including our secretary Nancy Drury, who observed the process the entire time, and are considered final. 

We would like to thank everyone involved in this process including all of our members that had the courage and were voicing their views during the meeting.

This outcome and how we all got here, is proof of your board’s integrity and commitment to our members to create transparency and also how we drive decisions together as a true community.

Starting Tomorrow, we will work with Jeff Bosch and Mike Kuzmich to get the assignment process started following with the “waiting to relocate to another slip” list and then with the “waiting for a slip” waiting list to have all available boat slips assigned by latest May 15th.

Link to our Boatslip list

The current slip holders at Southbeach will get notified as well, that they can put out their dock and boats as assigned as early as of tomorrow, May 3rd, 2023. 

For questions about the waiting lists and assignments, please contact Jeff Bosch or Mike Kuzmich at any time.

The meeting minutes of yesterday’s meeting will be posted in our members section as usual within the next days.

Special Member Meeting May 1st, 2023 – 7pm at the VFW

Dear members and friends,

Remember the Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lake Association Special Members Meeting May 1st at the VFW at 7pm!!

Your vote and participation on the future of the 7 Harbors Southbeach Outlot is important. Be an active part of our community!

Please find below the link to the details and context for our May 1st, 2023 Special Members Meeting at the Highland VFW, 7pm , the voting rules and the proxy form download for the voting on the Future of South Beach on the evening of May 1st, 2023.…/

Don’t want to miss any future events of 7 Harbors?
Subscribe to our Event Calendar and stay informed.

Be part of our great community!! Keep well and lets get ready for summer!!!

*Please contact us for any question about your registration to ensure you have access to this important information.

Public Road Issues please call them in.

Dear all, we do experience some winter damage on our roads of which some are public. Especially Beaumont and our Entrance Area are public roads and are being maintained by the road commission. Please call 877 858 4804 on weekdays between 07.30am to 4.15pm or after hours in case of emergency at 248-858-4895 and report the road hazard such as potholes etc.

Further details can be found here: Highland Township – Road Issues (

March 27th, 2023 General Members Meeting Minutes and Presentation available in the Member Area

Dear members and friends,

Thank you for your active participation in our first 2023 General Members Meeting this Monday. Good dialogue and as always, it is good to so see many of you that are interested in our community. Please find the presentation and the Draft Meeting Minutes on our website in the member area. Please klick here to get to the login and registration site*.

Members Area | Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lake Association (

Also, please find below the link to the details and context for our May 1st, 2023 Special Members Meeting at the Highland VFW, 7pm , the voting rules and the proxy form download for the voting on the Future of South Beach on the evening of May 1st, 2023.

Special Member Meeting May 1st, 2023 – Voting on the future of South Beach | Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lake Association (

*Please contact us for any question about your registration to ensure you have access to this important information.

Special Member Meeting May 1st, 2023 – Voting on the future of South Beach

It is now time to bring the issue of boat slips, or no boat slips on South Beach to a vote by the General Membership.  The question is: Do we want to completely remove boats from South Beach or do we want to allow 2 docks with 4 total boats on South Beach beginning with the 2023 season starting in May?

Here is some background for the discussion:

This past season, 2022, there were 2 boats assigned to South Beach, and there were 2 additional slips on South Beach that were not assigned to anyone, awaiting the outcome of a general member vote.

There are currently 37 assigned boat slips, 3 open boat slips, plus the 2 more unassigned slips on South Beach mentioned above.  As of today, there are only 3 boat slips open.

There are currently 22 people on the boat slip waiting list.

The current boa slip and waiting list can be found here: Boat Slips | Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lake Association (

The voting during the Special Member Meeting on May 1st, 2023 will be for the following subject: Will the general membership approve to have 4 boats on 2 docks on our Outlot Southbeach of 7 Harbors. It will be a Yes or No Vote by handing in a voting ballot which will be issued at the night of the voting.

If the General Assembly votes NO slips allowed on South Beach, then:

Since we have 2 open slips, we accommodate/relocate the displaced slip holders who were on South Beach this past season.  In this case, only 1 member from the waiting list would get a boat slip.

If the General Assembly votes YES, 4 total slips on 2 docks allowed on South Beach, then:

The 2 people who had slips on South Beach do not have to relocate.  Plus, we can fill 5 additional total spots with people from the waiting list: 3 to fill the open slots, and 2 to fill the currently unassigned slips on South Beach, giving South Beach a total of 4.

Further information:

Below is the rule which governed beach boat slips from the By-Laws, revised 3/14/94, Article 10, Regulations Covering Use Of Out-Lots, part K:

“No new docks may be built on the North and South Beach lots on the lake front.  Presently there are three sufficiently sized docks on the North Beach which should provide sufficient spaces for all interested “Current” members.

Voting Rules and Proxy Download can be found here

Note: that the above statement regarding docks on beaches was removed from the by-laws by the board in the summer of 2021.

All 7 Harbors voting, and proxy rules apply. The majority vote of all submitted and valid votes will be considered as the final result and be in effect 24 hours after the publication of the results on our website

Boatslip Members – March 1st Deadline Coming Up Quickly

To all our members with a boat slip or members that are on the waiting list.

Please remember to pay you membership dues by latest March 1st, 2023 as every year. This is mandatory so we can ensure that all boat slips are assigned correctly following our HOA rules.

To pay your dues please follow this link for further information and the different options you can pay the dues for the 2023 Season.

Thank you to everyone that has paid their dues already.

Have you had to replace your well in the past 6 month?

Dear Members of 7 Harbors,

Our friends from the Wine Basket have discovered a possible concern that might affect more of you, if you had to replace your well within the past 6 months because it has gone bad.

Backround: The DEQ (Department of Environmental Quality) installed the big pump unit across the street from the Wine Basket. And ever since then there has been nothing but problems after problems. The unit is supposed to blow ear underground so the underground contamination will rise above ground evaporates in the air. To do that, it means Vibration from the strong air being pumped into the underground, is disturbing the Wells in the area by breaking up the ground and loose sand will enter the well and severely. damaging the well and in some cases replacing them.

MR. Dean, who lives next the pump house, where they installed the unit two years ago, had his well replaced and had the State paid for it by proving that the air pump is what caused his well to go bad.

Nick offered to collect any information from you and to find out how many homes in the neighborhood who had there well replaced in the last year, so he can have the STATE.
open an Investigation to this problem.

I you had any issues with your well and as a result you had to replace it in the past 6 months, please contact Nick Haddad at the Wine Basket.

Thank you, Nick and our friends, from the Wine Basket for bringing this to our attention. There are no guarantees or commitments to anyone of us based on this information. By providing your details and information, it will allow to potentially start and official investigation to get to the bottom of the problem. Any legal or other efforts, you might decide to take are your own responsibility.

2023 Membership Dues can be paid now

Dear members and friends, Happy New Year 2023 to all of you. We would like to reach out to you to announce that your 2023 membership dues can be paid beginning January 2023 at any time.

We have made some improvements to our electronic payment options and as a result, we have been able to reduce the fees that are provided by the bank by 0.5% for every transaction. You can either send a check to our treasurer at any time or use the electronic payment option with all major credit and debit cards at your convenience.

For regular checks, please send a signed check per mail to:

Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lake Association
Attn: Treasurer
P.O. Box 70  
Highland, MI   48357

You can find our annual membership dues by following this link

If you would like and prefer to use electronic payment options, please sign into our members area and select Pay Dues, Make Payments & Donations in the top menu. Here you can select your membership dues and pay easily by credit or debit card.

To all our current boat slip owners, please remember that your dues have to be fully paid and current by March 1st, 2023 at the latest to ensure you can continue to enjoy the life at the lake with your boat and a slip.

To all of you that have selected to go paperless, you should have received an email with your current Membership dues statement from our Treasurer. Please check your junk email as well if you have not received an electronic PDF statement yet. Everyone, that still would like to receive hardcopies per regular mail should get their statements in the upcoming days.

Want to go paperless too?? Go to the members area and edit your account preferences to receive future communication, newsletters, statements and updates per email only.

For questions to the current 2023 dues, fees and payments or past dues, please contact our Treasurer Sharon Carry or for any question about your access to our membership area Winni Schoeb