Category Archives: Announcements

Ice Safety

Thank you to our friends from the WLCL

With the cold weather here and the lake freezing over it is a good time for an Ice Safety reminder.

Minimum Safe Thickness for Ice

Actions to be taken if someone falls through the ice

Remember that the lake does not freeze evenly. Beware of areas, such as between the 7 Harbors Point and Dawsons Island, that do not freeze well.

For further information see: How to Know When Ice is Safe 

Enjoy the Outdoors Safely!!

New SAD Dues 2024-2026 by White Lake Improvement Board for 7 Harbors Boat Slip Holders

To all 7 harbors current Slip Holders:

As reviewed at previous 7 Harbors general membership meeting in October 2023, the White Lake Improvement Board (WLIB) has worked with White Lake and Highland townships to renew the special assessment (SAD) for White Lake maintenance items. Refer to your tax information from the township for details.

New for 2024-2026, the WLIB is assessing an additional $18 per slip for neighborhood slips like we have in 7 harbors. Highland township is billing 7 harbors directly; therefore this $18 annual SAD charge will be passed on to white lake slip assignees via your annual bill for simplicity.

Note: This IS NOT an increase in your 7H membership dues, merely a pass through of the WLIB assessment. Slip assignees will see the additional $18 each year for 2024-2026.

Please ensure, if you are a current boat slip holder within 7 Harbors, to add this additional 18 USD to your annual HOA dues, which have to be paid by latest March 1, 2024.

If you do select electronic payment option Dues Payments & Donations Electronic Payment Option, please select the additional payment options for past dues or other fees to pay the additional 18 USD SAD as a separate payment, after you paid your annual HOA dues. If you choose to pay by check, please add the additional SAD Fees (if applicable) to the HOA Dues Amount.

This was reviewed at the October 2023 General meeting and can be found in the minutes, however if you have questions or for more information, please go to White Lake Citizens League – Page Title ( or reach out to the members of the 7 Harbors board at any time.

You have voted and your new board and trustees is elected!

Dear neighbors,
We are excited to announce your new 7 Harbors members as your Board & Trustees of our great Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lake Association (effective October 1st, 2023):

Executive Board:
President – Aleta Dyling
Vice–President – Robert Linson
Second Vice-President – Jeff Bosch
Treasurer – Sharon Crary
Secretary – Nancy Drury

Nichole Slating
Steve Kirchner
Joan Cooper
Justin Klopf
Rhonda Linovitz
DeAnne Craw
Natalie Gardner
Nick Kutsoginis

Alternate Turstees:
Vicki Zellinger
Tim Pautsch

We sincerely thank our outgoing board members for their efforts and all nominees that volunteered to take an active role in our HOA!

Mark your calendars for the final General Meeting of 2023: Monday October 23 at 7pm.

Any questions or suggestions let Aleta Dyling or any other board member know. Thank you!!

2023/24 Board and Trustees Election September 25th, 2023 at the VFW at 7pm.

Fellow Neighbors! Be sure to come and cast your vote for your 2023/24 Board! There are more Trustees nominated than we have spaces so YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!  

The following association members were nominated for the 2023/24 Board and Trustees:

Executive Board Nominations:

President –  Aleta Dyling
Vice–President – Robert Linson
Second Vice-President – Jeff Bosch
Treasurer –  Sharon Crary
Secretary – Nancy Drury

Trustees Nominations:

Nichole Slating
Steve Kirchner
Joan Cooper
Justin Klopf
Vicki Zellinger
Rhonda Linovitz
DeAnne Craw
Natalie Gardner
Scott Rickert
Nick Kutsoginis
Kevin Wickers
Tim Pautsch

The voting for the new board and trustees will be done on September 25th,2023, 7pm at the VFW Hall.

Voting Rules and Proxy Forms can be found by clicking this link:


Our Official Bylaws state that half the board will be elected to a 2 year term. At the board meeting just prior to nominations, we did not have enough nominees to establish which roles will be 2 years; therefore, this will happen on a volunteer basis after the new members are elected.


Last Call!! Come and Register for our 10th Annual Golf Outing by September 17th, 2023 at the Highland Wine Basket.

Calling all neighbors, friends, family and all the golfers of this community!!

Less than two weeks until the 10th Annual Wine Basket and Seven Harbors Golf Outing! This year is shaping up to be tons of fun with great games, prizes, and of course, community!! Don’t Delay! Get yourself to the Wine Basket to sign up by this weekend (Sept 17 deadline)!!

7 Harbors 2023 Annual Golf Outing – Calling all Neighbors, friends, and family!

Deadline is fast approaching!! Our annual fundraiser golf outing is two weeks away. Please form your teams and be sure to sign up this weekend at the Wine Basket to get ready to have fun! ” 

Please use cash or check only when you turn in your registration form at the Wine Basket.
Registration Form can be downloaded and printed from here:…/

Tickets will go fast! Let’s have another year of a great fun and support our community!! Register now in person at the Wine Basket!

2024/25 Board Member and Trustees Nominations

Dear respected members of our community,

the nominations for the 2024/25 board members and trustees were completed during our August 28th, 2023, General Members Meeting.

Thank you to all volunteers that would like to be part of this community and to take an active role in how to shape our future for all of us.

The following association members were nominated for the 2024/25 Board and Trustees:

Executive Board
President – Bob Schiff nominated Aleta Dyling
Vice–President – Kelly Linson nominated Robert Linson
Second Vice-President – Aleta Dyling nominated Jeff Bosch
Treasurer – Shelly Kirchner nominated Sharon Crary
Secretary – Aleta Dyling nominated Nancy Drury

Aleta Dyling nominated Nichole Slating, Steve Kirchner, Joan Cooper, Justin Klopf, Vicki Zellinger and Rhonda Linovitz.
Joan Cooper nominated DeAnne Craw and Natalie Gardner
Nichole Slating nominated Scott Rickert
Nancy Oltsevig nominated Nick Kutsoginis
Jodi Michela nominated Kevin Wickers and Tim Pautsch

The voting for the new board and trustees will be done on September 25th,2023, 7pm at the VFW Hall.

Voting Rules and Proxy Forms can be found by clicking this link:

Voting Rules | Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lake Association (