Dear community, members and friends,
Fall is here and our community is coming together again to get ready for the winter season. Please help us to clean up our community, our outlots on White and Duck Lake, the entrance areas and join as at 8.45am at south beach. Bring your gardening tools, gloves, garbage bags and come and help us. As more volunteers we have as quicker it will go together. See you all on Saturday, November 12th, 08.45am at South Beach.

Also, now that we are in the midst of the fall season, it is very important that we do our best to pick up the fallen leaves. The leaves that get into the road are then driven over, and soon become like mud, which then makes its way to the drains.
The board has received numerous complaints about the poorly operating drains, and we are working to rectify that. But we all can help by not blowing the leaves into the road, and also picking up the leaves that fall in the road in front of our houses.
We know some feel that if they have no trees, why should they be dealing with leaves from their neighbor’s trees. But that is what good neighbors do.
Think about it, those neighbor’s trees provide some much needed shade during the heat of the summer. So please, let’s do our best to keep the roads, and drains, clear of the leaves.
Thank you for helping all of us to keep our community clean and nice.
Your Board of our great community Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lake Association