Voting Principles
These Voting rules are following and are in line with the Bylaws and Constitution | Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lake Association (
On voting day and the validation of your eligibility to vote, you will receive your ballot(s):
Each property (sidwell) can have one vote per paid up property.
Multiple property owners can only vote on behalf of one property each, Limit 2 votes.
Every qualified member and eligible and submitted proxy votes, will receive 1 ballot.
Members must have paid up maintenance fees to vote, nominate or be nominated or elected.
Proxy Votes
If you are unable to make it to the meeting you can complete a blanket proxy form to be downloaded and printed here and have a member in good standing who is attending vote on your behalf. (limit 1 proxy per eligible voting member).
Proxies have to be completely filled out, dated and signed (printed and signature)
Latest date on the proxy will be considered for eligibility of the proxy.
Proxy forms must be turned in to the Secretary before the September General Members Meeting Voting starts in person.
Please ensure, if you decide to vote by proxy that the person you authorize to represent your vote is trusted and you are comfortable that this person is representing your interest. If you provide a proxy, you will authorize the person of your choice to vote on the Board Nominees and also the proposed Governing Document Changes (Constitution, Articles, Bylaws) that were presented and are available to all members.
Should you not feel the comfort to authorize someone to vote on your behalf, we would recommend representing yourself in person at Election/Voting Night and vote for what you believe is the right thing for our community.
Voting Day/Evening
Member and Proxy eligibility will be determined for all votes and handing out of the ballots will start at voting day/evening.
After validation of your membership and your proxies, the Voting Committee will hand you your ballots for yourself and the valid proxies you represent (if applicable).
The voting committee will present the certified voting results the same evening and/or within 24 hours after closing of the polls.
All qualified votes will be counted by a committee and at least 2 Independant observers identified by the membership at the voting night.
The final decision and results will be based on the majority of all verified and eligible votes submitted at the voting day/evening.
All certified Results will be in effect after posting and made available on our website for all members to view in the public area.
We will not provide or allow for prefilled or absentee ballots in any shape or form during this Election/Voting to ensure the highest level of integrity during this election and voting process.
Any violation to these rules can and will result in a potential disqualification of a members right to vote and or the members that are being represented per proxy vote. The Voting Committee and the Chair of the committee will evaluate, document and decide on a case-by-case basis.
Should any of these Articles be subsequently declared invalid, the remainder shall be given as full force and effect as if such invalid Articles had never been a part thereof.