It is now time to bring the issue of boat slips, or no boat slips on South Beach to a vote by the General Membership. The question is: Do we want to completely remove boats from South Beach or do we want to allow 2 docks with 4 total boats on South Beach beginning with the 2023 season starting in May?
Here is some background for the discussion:
This past season, 2022, there were 2 boats assigned to South Beach, and there were 2 additional slips on South Beach that were not assigned to anyone, awaiting the outcome of a general member vote.
There are currently 37 assigned boat slips, 3 open boat slips, plus the 2 more unassigned slips on South Beach mentioned above. As of today, there are only 3 boat slips open.
There are currently 22 people on the boat slip waiting list.
The current boa slip and waiting list can be found here: Boat Slips | Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lake Association (
The voting during the Special Member Meeting on May 1st, 2023 will be for the following subject: Will the general membership approve to have 4 boats on 2 docks on our Outlot Southbeach of 7 Harbors. It will be a Yes or No Vote by handing in a voting ballot which will be issued at the night of the voting.
If the General Assembly votes NO slips allowed on South Beach, then:
Since we have 2 open slips, we accommodate/relocate the displaced slip holders who were on South Beach this past season. In this case, only 1 member from the waiting list would get a boat slip.
If the General Assembly votes YES, 4 total slips on 2 docks allowed on South Beach, then:
The 2 people who had slips on South Beach do not have to relocate. Plus, we can fill 5 additional total spots with people from the waiting list: 3 to fill the open slots, and 2 to fill the currently unassigned slips on South Beach, giving South Beach a total of 4.
Further information:
Below is the rule which governed beach boat slips from the By-Laws, revised 3/14/94, Article 10, Regulations Covering Use Of Out-Lots, part K:
“No new docks may be built on the North and South Beach lots on the lake front. Presently there are three sufficiently sized docks on the North Beach which should provide sufficient spaces for all interested “Current” members.
Voting Rules and Proxy Download can be found here
Note: that the above statement regarding docks on beaches was removed from the by-laws by the board in the summer of 2021.
All 7 Harbors voting, and proxy rules apply. The majority vote of all submitted and valid votes will be considered as the final result and be in effect 24 hours after the publication of the results on our website