Dear respected members of our Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lake Association
The results of the vote yesterday were 80 votes “Yes” to have 4 boats and 2 docks at south beach and 47 Votes to have “no” boats at south beach.
As a consequence, the membership decided in favor of the 4 boats and 2 docks by a majority vote. All qualified and valid ballots have been counted 3 times by our independent observers (Karrie Pautsch and Tori Slack), Jeff Bosch, Jodi Michela and Winni Schoeb in final instance. The results have been certified by all members of the committee including our secretary Nancy Drury, who observed the process the entire time, and are considered final.
We would like to thank everyone involved in this process including all of our members that had the courage and were voicing their views during the meeting.
This outcome and how we all got here, is proof of your board’s integrity and commitment to our members to create transparency and also how we drive decisions together as a true community.
Starting Tomorrow, we will work with Jeff Bosch and Mike Kuzmich to get the assignment process started following with the “waiting to relocate to another slip” list and then with the “waiting for a slip” waiting list to have all available boat slips assigned by latest May 15th.
The current slip holders at Southbeach will get notified as well, that they can put out their dock and boats as assigned as early as of tomorrow, May 3rd, 2023.
For questions about the waiting lists and assignments, please contact Jeff Bosch or Mike Kuzmich at any time.

The meeting minutes of yesterday’s meeting will be posted in our members section as usual within the next days.