We would like to wish all of you, your families and friends a Happy 4th of July weekend.

Here some important details for our Annual 4th of July Bike Parade on Saturday July 1st.
9.30am Start of Line up at Beaumont 7 Harbors Entrance West Clarice Ave. Behind the fire engine, first bikes followed by Golf Carts or SideBySides or any other vehicle.
10am Parade Starts through the neighborhood and will end up at the entrance area at South Beach
10.45am Fun, Food and Games at Southbeach
1.00pm End of the Bike Parade Event
2.00pm The Boat Parade starts at Mitchell’s Marina at 2:00pm. The parade will be one lap around the lake.
Around 10.pm The WLCL Fireworks will start
In the event that the fireworks are postponed due to bad weather this will be communicated via WLCL Facebook and email. The backup date is Sunday July 2nd.
We are excited to this day and are looking forward to all the families, kids and great costumes and decorations.
Please be careful this weekend. Drive slow at all times, Follow the “No Parking Signs” don’t park on the roads and inform your guests and friends that there will be a lot of kids playing and having fun in our community. Please ensure that any emergency vehicles can pass your streets at any time.
Last but not least, have fun, enjoy and celebrate this great weekend and the 4th of July Independence Day.
Your Board of 7 Harbors.