Category Archives: News

All Boat Slip Holders please remember your membership dues are due March 1st, 2025.

Limited boat space is available on some of the association out lots for paid up, non-lakefront members. See the Boat Slip Rules for eligibility and boat slip Application/Annual Renewal form for submission is below.

Annual Requirements for Boat Slip Assignees & Waitlist Members:

  • Annual Dues paid by March 1st
  • Signed Application / Renewal Form provided to the Board 7HarborsBoatSlipApplication_Renewal Form
  • Copy of Boat Registration
  • Copy of Driver’s License
  • Copy of Proof of Insurance (if renter) 
  • Review of current Boat Slip Rules

Failure to fulfil the annual requirements & payment of dues on time will result in the loss of your privilege to a 7- Harbors boat slip.

All you need to know about our boat slips, rules and locations:

WLCL News Letter

Home Tour
We are down to the wire with less than two weeks until the WLCL Home Tour, scheduled for July 22. We have asked numerous homeowners and only have 3 homes at this time. If you, or anyone you know, might be kind enough to open your home for this popular fundraiser that raises a good amount for our fireworks, winter carnival, and other great White Lake Citizens League functions, please contact
You do not have to own the biggest or best house on the lake to be on the Home Tour. Guests are more interested in the views and the history of the home. Also, you are not required to show your entire home.  Unfortunately, if we cannot find two more homes, the 2023 WLCL home tour will need to be canceled. 

Membership Donations
Thank you to the 402 people who have made membership donations. We are still “missing” 36 members to match last year’s number of 438 members.
Your membership donations are important to continuing the fun activities on the lake.

You may join:
on-line by clicking this link
by mailing your check to: 
PO Box 851
Highland, MI 48356

If there are any questions about membership, or if you have not yet received your flag, please email us at

The rain that caused the Saturday night cancellation (first time in over 20 years) finally stopped in time for the fireworks to be held Sunday just after 10pm.
The show and finale were spectacular. Thank you Ace Pyro!!
We only wish it could have been Saturday with the normal large contingent watching from their boats.

Have a great summer on the lake.

Please be safe.

Thank you for your support!!

2023 Membership Dues can be paid now

Dear members and friends, Happy New Year 2023 to all of you. We would like to reach out to you to announce that your 2023 membership dues can be paid beginning January 2023 at any time.

We have made some improvements to our electronic payment options and as a result, we have been able to reduce the fees that are provided by the bank by 0.5% for every transaction. You can either send a check to our treasurer at any time or use the electronic payment option with all major credit and debit cards at your convenience.

For regular checks, please send a signed check per mail to:

Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lake Association
Attn: Treasurer
P.O. Box 70  
Highland, MI   48357

You can find our annual membership dues by following this link

If you would like and prefer to use electronic payment options, please sign into our members area and select Pay Dues, Make Payments & Donations in the top menu. Here you can select your membership dues and pay easily by credit or debit card.

To all our current boat slip owners, please remember that your dues have to be fully paid and current by March 1st, 2023 at the latest to ensure you can continue to enjoy the life at the lake with your boat and a slip.

To all of you that have selected to go paperless, you should have received an email with your current Membership dues statement from our Treasurer. Please check your junk email as well if you have not received an electronic PDF statement yet. Everyone, that still would like to receive hardcopies per regular mail should get their statements in the upcoming days.

Want to go paperless too?? Go to the members area and edit your account preferences to receive future communication, newsletters, statements and updates per email only.

For questions to the current 2023 dues, fees and payments or past dues, please contact our Treasurer Sharon Carry or for any question about your access to our membership area Winni Schoeb

Your Vote Matters – Official Voting Results are in!!

Thank you to everyone for your participation and vote for the 2022/2023 – Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lake Association Board and Trustees for a 12-month term and the New Governing Documents for our community.

Our biggest appreciation goes out to our volunteers of the Election Commitee led by Amie Mirabitur, Karrie Sullivan, Jan Anger, Christine Murray, Alex and Tori Slack. Their help has ensured that we have an independent and fair election also in this year.

In the 2022/2023 Election we have received 66 valid ballots in total that resulted in the following election and voting results:

2022/23 Election Results (Effective October 1st, 2022, 12.00am)

Executive Board:
President – Winni Schoeb
Vice President – Aleta Dyling
2nd Vice President – Scott Thurlow
Treasurer – Sharon Crary
Secretary – Nancy Drury

Vicki Zellinger, Jeff Bosch
Jodi Michela, Joan Cooper
Nichole Slating, Steve Kirchner
Justin Klopf, Mike Kuzmich

There was one write-in vote, but that person declined the Trustee position. If another volunteer candidate decides to step forward, the Board will vote on the appointment of the currently open position for the Trustee (Alternate) position and will appoint this person based on a majority vote of the board and trustees.

Congratulations to all newly elected board members effective October 1st, 2022, 12.00am and Thank You to all 2021/22 Board Members for all the hard work during this past year. It was and will be my great privilege to collaborate with every one of you to serve our community.

New Governing Documents Proposal Voting Results (Effective October 1st, 2022, 12.00am)

All passed proposals will be included in the respective governing documents and will be published by October 1st, 2022.

All election and voting results are certified by the Election & Voting Commitee. The official and final results are concluded as per the majority vote principle stated in our constitution.

7 Harbors – 2022/23 Board and Bylaws Election Night on Monday, September 26th, 7pm at the VFW

Hello Community, Neighbors and Friends,

Your vote matters!! Election Night is tomorrow Monday, September 26th, 2022, 7pm at the VFW

The Election Commitee and supporters will be at the VFW starting 6pm to validate your proxies and to get ready for the voting at 7pm. Join us, be part of our community and help us to make the right decisions for all of us.

Please find all nominees for the 2022/23 board and the proposed Governing Document Changes on…/ in our public area of our website for all members to be accessible. Because of personal reasons and unfortunate circumstances Cindy Shepherd and Nick Hanson will not be on this year’s 2022/23 Board Nominee Ballots. 

Please read the Voting Rules for the 2022/23 Election/Voting Night and Proxy forms here.

We are looking forward to seeing many of you and appreciate everyone for your commitment and support!! Tip: Be there ahead of time to avoid long wait times. 

Also check out our October upcoming community events Upcoming EventsBeaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lake Association