We wish you all the best to this new year 2022. Luck, Love, Fun, Family, Friends, Success, Health and that all your wishes come true.
We wish you all the best to this new year 2022. Luck, Love, Fun, Family, Friends, Success, Health and that all your wishes come true.
We would like to wish all of our members, families and friends a Happy Holliday Season & Merry Christmas 2021. We hope you will enjoy these festive days with your families and friends.
Your Board of Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lake Association
Dear community and friends, after careful consideration of the current health situation within Michigan and being aware that many of our members are getting ready for the Holiday Season, the board decided to postpone the General Members Meeting to February of 2022. We will send out a final December 2021 Newsletter soon to everyone to keep you up to date what we have been working on during the past weeks. Also, the latest Treasurer reports for October and November 2021 are posted within the in our members area.
We will be here for you even during the winter season. Please contact your board members for our community for any community related concern as usual. The board will continue to meet and work on preparing for next year since there is lot to do.
Dear members, friends and neighbors,
NextDoor (an app that’s competing with Facebook) has sent out a letter inviting many of you to join. That letter makes it look like one of your neighbors sent the letter. It was not sent by anyone out of our community.
It’s a marketing/spam letter.
Do not follow the link. Trash the letter. And do not provide any personal details to anyone that might call you regarding this subject.
Advise: Stay always vigilant. Don’t open links in emails you don’t recognize or if the email comes from someone you do not know. Don’t share personal information with callers that you never been in contact with.
Your Board of Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lake Association
Visit us on our Facebook page.
Thank you to all our Veterans for your service and sacrifice to protect our freedom and values. We are in your debt.
Thank you to everyone for participating in our November General Members Meeting on November 4th at the Highland Eagles. We had over 60 members at this meeting and it was a great event, introducing the new board, our responsibilities and how we want to create focus, collaboration and support for each other. Please find below the presentation material for all of our members. For questions or feedback what we can do better please send us your thoughts to feedback@sevenharbors.org
We posted the draft meeting minutes as well as more details for our Special General Members Meeting in December during the next days within our Member Area as well.
Thank you for being an active member and please share your experience with everyone that is interested.
Your Board of Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lake Association
Want to know more? Go to the November General Members Meeting Presentation and Draft Meeting Minutes
Please join us at our Novembers General Members Meeting We are all very excited to see many of you again in person and are looking forward to a great dialogue amongst friends. Please find below our agenda for the evening and your first meeting with the newly elected board members.
See you soon.
Winni Schoeb
President, Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lake Association
Dear friends and neighbors,
I have to inform you that, the board has decided to postpone tomorrows General Member Meeting to the first week of November 2021. We have received a message that one of our board members was tested positive for COVID. Since the entire board has collaborated very closely together over the past weeks and days, we cant be sure if anyone else is affected by this situation as well.
As a result, the entire board decided to focus on safety first and that we do not want to risk anyone’s health no matter the costs sitting together in one room. This is the best and most sensitive decision we had to take in the interest and well being of everyone.
We do apologize for any inconvenience this might cause and we know that many of you are equally excited to meet again as one community. Promise we will do so soon.
On a good note, no-one is suffering from severe symptoms or major illness at this point in time and we wish everyone a speedy recovery.
We are planning to meet in person on November 4th, 2021 at 7.00pm at the Highland Eagles Hall and will provide further updates once we have more details.
For questions please contact any of the board members or send us an email to our new email address: contact@sevenharbors.com
Yours Respectfully
Winni Schoeb,
President, Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lake Association
Executive Board
President – Winfried Schoeb
1st Vice President – John Millington
2nd Vice President – Eric Russell
Secretary – Nancy Drury
Treasurer – Sharon Crary
Jodi Michela
Justin Klopf
Mike Kuzmich
Nick Kutsoginis
Nichole Slating
Rae Joerin
Steve Kirchner
Vicki Zellinger
Cynthia Shepherd, Alt.