Category Archives: Announcements

7 Harbors 2023 Annual Golf Outing – Calling all Neighbors, friends, and family!

Deadline is fast approaching!! Our annual fundraiser golf outing is two weeks away. Please form your teams and be sure to sign up this weekend at the Wine Basket to get ready to have fun! ” 

Please use cash or check only when you turn in your registration form at the Wine Basket.
Registration Form can be downloaded and printed from here:…/

Tickets will go fast! Let’s have another year of a great fun and support our community!! Register now in person at the Wine Basket!

2024/25 Board Member and Trustees Nominations

Dear respected members of our community,

the nominations for the 2024/25 board members and trustees were completed during our August 28th, 2023, General Members Meeting.

Thank you to all volunteers that would like to be part of this community and to take an active role in how to shape our future for all of us.

The following association members were nominated for the 2024/25 Board and Trustees:

Executive Board
President – Bob Schiff nominated Aleta Dyling
Vice–President – Kelly Linson nominated Robert Linson
Second Vice-President – Aleta Dyling nominated Jeff Bosch
Treasurer – Shelly Kirchner nominated Sharon Crary
Secretary – Aleta Dyling nominated Nancy Drury

Aleta Dyling nominated Nichole Slating, Steve Kirchner, Joan Cooper, Justin Klopf, Vicki Zellinger and Rhonda Linovitz.
Joan Cooper nominated DeAnne Craw and Natalie Gardner
Nichole Slating nominated Scott Rickert
Nancy Oltsevig nominated Nick Kutsoginis
Jodi Michela nominated Kevin Wickers and Tim Pautsch

The voting for the new board and trustees will be done on September 25th,2023, 7pm at the VFW Hall.

Voting Rules and Proxy Forms can be found by clicking this link:

Voting Rules | Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lake Association (

2023 Annual 7 Harbors & Wine Basket Golf Outing Registration is open!!!!

2023 Annual 7 Harbors & Wine Basket Golf Outing Registration is open!!!!

Don’t Golf but still want to support 7 Harbors. Sponsor a Hole or just join us for the Steak Dinner Only. Everyone is welcome!!!

Let’s have another year of a great fun!! Register now at the Wine Basket tickets will go fast!!

Please use cash or check only when you turn in your registration form at the Wine Basket

Download and print the registration form here:

Thank you for an amazing 2 years!!

Dear respected members and friends of our great Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lake Association,

As some of you have heard already, I am reaching out to you to inform you, that I have resigned as the president of Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lake Association due to personal reasons, effective immediately. My personal and professional business situation does not allow me to continue my role with the same commitment and ability to serve you as your president, in the way you and this community deserves, in an effective and efficient manner anymore.

I will act as an advisor to the President Aleta Dyling , your Vice President Scott Thurlow and the extended board as required, to ensure a smooth transition until the new Election in September of 2023.  

Despite that this decision was not easy for me, I would like to thank everyone for your trust and contributions over the past two years. Please continue to provide the same trust and support to Aleta Dyling and Scott Thurlow as the President and Vice President and the entire board of our great HOA and our amazing community. Our HOA needs your help and contribution to keep this the best place to live for a long time. Without you, our members, this is not possible!!

I appreciate your respect of my decision and I am confident that your board will be handling the interest of the community and our members with the same passion and spirit to achieve the best for everyone as part of the Beaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lake Association.

Yours Respectfully

Winni Schoeb

Happy 4th of July Weekend

We would like to wish all of you, your families and friends a Happy 4th of July weekend.

Here some important details for our Annual 4th of July Bike Parade on Saturday July 1st.

9.30am Start of Line up at Beaumont 7 Harbors Entrance West Clarice Ave. Behind the fire engine, first bikes followed by Golf Carts or SideBySides or any other vehicle.
10am Parade Starts through the neighborhood and will end up at the entrance area at South Beach
10.45am Fun, Food and Games at Southbeach
1.00pm End of the Bike Parade Event
2.00pm The Boat Parade starts at Mitchell’s Marina at 2:00pm. The parade will be one lap around the lake.
Around The WLCL Fireworks will start

In the event that the fireworks are postponed due to bad weather this will be communicated via WLCL Facebook and email. The backup date is Sunday July 2nd.

We are excited to this day and are looking forward to all the families, kids and great costumes and decorations.

Please be careful this weekend. Drive slow at all times, Follow the “No Parking Signs” don’t park on the roads and inform your guests and friends that there will be a lot of kids playing and having fun in our community. Please ensure that any emergency vehicles can pass your streets at any time.

Last but not least, have fun, enjoy and celebrate this great weekend and the 4th of July Independence Day.

Your Board of 7 Harbors.

White Lake Improvement Board Meeting June 28th, 2023,

Dear Members of 7 Harbors,

As mentioned in our June Newsletter and as discussed in our yesterday’s General Members Meeting, I would like to inform you about a public meeting of the White Lake Improvement Board tomorrow at 3pm, June 28th, 2023 at the Highland Township. This is a public meeting.

Highland Township Offices Auditorium
215 N John St
Highland, MI.

The goal of the meeting will be that the WLCL will present a revised proposal for the SAD for 2024 to 2027 for White Lake Maintenance efforts to ensure and keep the great water quality we have had for many years. This topic is important for all of us and we all enjoy the lake every season and why many of us moved here in the first place.

Tomorrow on June 28th, 2023 will be the first presentation of the proposal to the board by Board Members of the WLCL. After this, the Lake Improvement Board will send out a public notice to everyone affected, which will result in a public hearing in August of 2023 to finalize the SAD for everyone around White Lake for the next 3 years.

Please find the WLCL Newsletter posting about this topic of the meeting tomorrow below.

More Fun and Events is coming your way!!

June 3rd , 2023 – Community Garage Sale Want to sell and clean up your house or are you looking for something to buy. Join us at our Community Garage Sale this Saturday. 

June 21st, 2023 –  Food Truck is coming to town at 7 Harbors Central Park. Bring your chairs tables and get some delicious food for dinner to enjoy at central park of to take home. 

June 26th, 2023 – 7 Harbors Monthly General Members Meeting at the VFW. 

July 1st, 2023 – 7 Harbors Annual Bike Parade – Lets dress up our bikes, golf carts and strollers and start our 4th of July Celebration weekend with nothing better than our great and famous annual bike parade topped up with our annual White Lake 4th of July Fireworks organized by our friend the WLCL in the evening.

We are still in desperate need of volunteers at the day of the bike parade. If you want to help or donate to our annual bike parade, please contact Aleta Dyling at we appreciate your contribution. We cannot do it without your help and support.

July 19th, 2023 –  Food Truck is coming to town at 7 Harbors Central Park. Bring your chairs tables and get some delicious food for dinner to enjoy at central park of to take home. 

September 23rd 2023 7 Harbors and Whine Basket Annual Gold Outing. Last year a lot of people enjoyed that day and gave us great feedback. Let’s do it again!! Official Sign up (Online and at the Whine Basket) will start shortly. Don’t miss out on a day of fun good food and playing some golf with your friend and neighbors. Please contact Aleta Dyling at if you want to sponsor a hole with your company, volunteer to help us for the event or donate prices and good for the 50/50s and the winners of the Golf Outing. 

This is it for now and more to come. Hope to see many of you during all these fun events to show everyone what community is all about. 

Don’t want to miss any future events of 7 Harbors?
Subscribe to our Event Calendar and stay informed.

*Please contact us for any question about your registration to ensure you have access to this important information.