7 Harbors – 2022/23 Board and Bylaws Election Night on Monday, September 26th, 7pm at the VFW

Hello Community, Neighbors and Friends,

Your vote matters!! Election Night is tomorrow Monday, September 26th, 2022, 7pm at the VFW

The Election Commitee and supporters will be at the VFW starting 6pm to validate your proxies and to get ready for the voting at 7pm. Join us, be part of our community and help us to make the right decisions for all of us.

Please find all nominees for the 2022/23 board and the proposed Governing Document Changes on https://7-harbors.org/2022-23-board-nominees-and-new…/ in our public area of our website for all members to be accessible. Because of personal reasons and unfortunate circumstances Cindy Shepherd and Nick Hanson will not be on this year’s 2022/23 Board Nominee Ballots. 

Please read the Voting Rules for the 2022/23 Election/Voting Night and Proxy forms here.

We are looking forward to seeing many of you and appreciate everyone for your commitment and support!! Tip: Be there ahead of time to avoid long wait times. 

Also check out our October upcoming community events Upcoming EventsBeaumont’s Seven Harbors White and Duck Lake Association